Tuesday, July 17, 2007

8 week project list - ammended schedule

originally posted 06/27/07 @ 12:46 PM

As things do, things came up - I became even further behind on projects and the *last* thing I wanted to do was think about this challenge.

I am back though with a new planned schedule (all estimates, I may just do what comes to mind when I sit down at night):
  1. (July 17) - craft-swap project, undecided.
  2. (July 24) - birthday gift for sister.
  3. (July 31) - mei-tai carrier - cut out, but un-sewn
  4. (August 7) - Andrew's macbook cover
  5. (August 14) - secret. late birthday gift
  6. (August 21) - diaper/stroller bag - for me
  7. (August 28) - TBA
  8. (September 4) - TBA

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